An HTML form is a section of a document which contains controls such as text fields, password fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, submit button etc.

An HTML form facilitates the user to enter data that is to be sent to the server for processing such as name, email address, password, phone number, etc.

Use HTML Form

HTML forms are required if you want to collect some data from of the site visitor.

For example: If a user want to purchase some items on internet, he/she must fill the form such as shipping address and credit/debit card details so that item can be sent to the given address.

Form Tag

    <form> - element can contain one or more of the following form elements:

  • <input> - The <input> element can be displayed in several ways, depending on the type attribute.
  • <textarea> - The <textarea> element defines a multi-line input field (a text area).
  • <select> - The <select> element defines a drop-down list.
  • <option> - The <option> elements defines an option that can be select. By default, the first item in the drop-down list is selected. To define a pre-selected option, add the selected attribute to the option.



HTML Form Example
First Name :

Select City :

Address :

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Progamming is what actually means ?

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How we categorized software development in different manner.

C Programming
C Plus Plus
Java Development
Web Designing
We cover all the programming concepts in various programming languages, this tutorials are very help full for bigener as well as Experience developer, for the ease of understanding we categorized programming in different manner likewise.