Set different properties of a hyper link using CSS. You can set following properties of a hyper link.
We will revisit the same properties when we will discuss Pseudo-Classes of CSS.
Link signifies unvisited hyperlinks.
Visited signifies visited hyperlinks.
Hover signifies an element that currently has the user's mouse pointer hovering over it.
Active signifies an element on which the user is currently clicking.
Usually, all these properties are kept in the header part of the HTML document.
Remember a:hover MUST come after a:link and a:visited in the CSS definition in order to be effective. Also, a:active MUST come after a:hover in the CSS definition as follows.
Set the Color of Links
The example program demonstrates how to set the link color. Possible values could be any color name in any valid format.
Set the Color of Visited Links
The example program demonstrates how to set the color of visited links. Possible values could be any color name in any valid format.
Change the Color of Active Links
The example program demonstrates how to change the color of active links. Possible values could be any color name in any valid format.
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